Our Location
Opp. Gulbai Tekra Approach BRTS Stand,
University to Panjrapole Road, Ambavadi,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380015
Common problems are:
- Urinary Tract Infection
- Stricture Urethra
- Stress Urinary Incontinence
- Interstitial Cystitis
- VVF and UVF
Urinary Tract Infection
It is very common problem at all age groups in female, higher incidence in females is due to short length of urethra and close proximity to genital tract.
Usual complains are burning micturition, pain in the lower part of abdomen and frequency of urination. Diagnosis of UTI is made by urine culture and ultrasound report. Usually 3 to 15 days’course of antibiotics is needed to treat female UTI.
Stricture Urethra
Narrowing of the urethral diameter is called stricture urethra, it is common in post-menopausal female due to deficiency of Estrogen hormone.
In young females, it is usually due to recurrent infection.
Stricture urethra can be treated by local application of oestrogen or by dilatation of urethra under anaesthesia.
This disease is known for Recurrence.
Stress Urinary Incontinence
It is a common problem after the age of 50 years. Usual complains of patient is Involuntary leakage of urine while coughing, sneezing, lifting weight etc.
It is very easily diagnosed by (Bonney’s test) examination of patient. Mild Incontinence can be treated by pelvic floor exercise and weight reduction.
Moderate to severe incontinence can be treated by a minor surgery done through Vagina. Where a sling is passed around urethra. Surgery will take about 30 minutes under Anaesthesia. Hospital stay is one day, Catheter is removed after 24 hours. Surgery is having high success rate.
Interstitial Cystitis
It is a disease where patient complains of Burning Micturition and lower abdominal pain with increase urinary frequency. It is more common between 30 to 50 years of age.
Diagnosis is made by excluding other causes of burning micturition and pain. Cystoscopy is diagnostic as well as therapeutic procedure where a scope is passed into bladder under Anaesthesia and bladder is distended with saline. In several cases some medicine is kept in bladder. Oral medicines also available which is effective in some patients.
VVF and UVFss
Vesico Vaginal and Uretero Vaginal Fistula are uncommon condition, where there is abnormal connection between bladder and vagina or between bladder and ureter. Usually this condition is a complication of some pelvic surgery like Removal of Uterus or a Cesarean section.
Diagnosis is made by examination of patient and by CT IVP test. Treatment is by surgery either open or Laproscopic.
Surgery will take about 2 to 4 hours, hospitalization is about 5 to 7 days. Success rate of surgery is about 90%.